The Vision Migration Consultancy 環球領域移民顧問由本地資深移民顧問及當地註冊移民律師共同為客戶辦理各國移民服務,協助家庭透過投資移民、技術移民、創業移民計劃移民加拿大、澳洲、美國及歐洲等國。律師團隊擁有澳洲MARA及加拿大ICCRC資格,為香港人移民外國提供有信心保證的服務。
We are a devoted team of experienced registered migration lawyers and consultants, who are dedicated to provide an honest overview of secured prospective projects and genuine residence visas and passport pathways in multiple destinations, dominantly Australia, Canada, the US and members from the EU. Been in the sector for years, the Vision team provides one-stop handling for securing your skilled migration or business migration visa applications on a smooth track. We understand your imperative need of genuine opinions like all others, yet we deliver a sincere professional service like no others. Look forward to exploring your Plan B with us.